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Australian Immigration And Its Effects Essay -- Australia Environment

Australian Immigration and Its Effects      Australia is an island landmass which is geologically disconnected from the rema...

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Symptoms And Symptoms Of Acute Stress - 1526 Words

Abstract This paper summarizes and explores acute stress responses. This explanation includes the symptoms of acute stress reactions as well as acute stress disorder. It also emphasizes the differences between acute stress responses and acute stress disorders. Based on the references found and I examine the different treatment strategies and examine responses and further delve into how it can a person’s life with short term and long term effects. Acute Stress Response Definition Acute stress response is a response or a collection of responses that occurs when an individual develops symptoms due to a very stressful situation or event. Stress responses occur every day, but acute stress responses are due to symptoms that develop quickly and sometimes unexpectedly. In situations where acute stress is a factor the incidents that occur are normally harsh and seemingly happen unexpectedly. Symptoms of Acute Stress Reactions The symptoms of acute stress reactions include psychological symptoms which can include depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, lack of concentration, feeling anxious, and feeling as if they just want to be away from others; alone. Other common symptoms include bad dreams or flashbacks of the traumatic event, avoiding people, conversations, and situations that remind them about the traumatic event, self-destructive behaviors, and detached from others. Some of the common physical symptoms include difficulty breathing, palpitations, nausea, chestShow MoreRelatedSymptoms And Treatment Of Acute Stress1270 Words   |  6 PagesAcute Stress is brief. It can be useful and make inspiration. Acute stress is the sort of anxiety numerous individuals feel when they have an auto collision, experience difficulty at work or their kids have issues in school. Once the circumstances are determined, the anxiety reduces. Treatment for acute stress regularly incorporates rest and unwinding. Hostile to u neasiness medication is normally just utilized if acute anxiety is a trigger for nervousness or frenzy assaults. When trying to help theRead MoreAcute Stress Disorder ( Asd )873 Words   |  4 Pagescalled acute stress disorder (ASD). Acute stress disorder is a psychiatric condition characterized by acute stress responses that may last from 2 days to 4 weeks do to a traumatic life event. Following the experience of a traumatic event, an evaluation of ASD requires that a person experiences an extreme emotional reaction to a stress contributor, along with receiving symptoms that lead to impairment or distress (Shevlin, Hyland, Elklit, 2014). Acute stress is the most common form of stress. It comesRead MoreStress And Stress On Stress1266 Words   |  6 Pageswhat exactly is stress and why do we feel it? Stress can be the way someone’s brain responds to a demand no matter how big or small. Stress can be caused by something as simple as commuting to and from work or school on a daily basis; however, stress could also be something as big as marriage or buying a house. We all have our own amount of stress we can handle normally on a daily basis. Stress is a mental or emotional strain or tension due to very demanding circumstances. Stress may also be to giveRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress Disorder On The World Of Chaos1412 Words   |  6 PagesTraumatic stress disorders are on the rise in our world of chaos. Most people will find themselves being the victim of a traumatic incident at some point in their lives. For some, trauma is lived out daily. If they do not experience a trauma, then the likelihood is great that they are connected in some way to a victim of trauma. Acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder have become a topic of great interest to researchers. This text will define acute stress disorder also called ASDRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On Your Physical Health1212 Words   |  5 Pageshave all experienced stress at some point i n our lives. It could be the deadline that is running closer and the boss that will not get off your case. It could be the double booked appointments or the loved one you just lost. It could also be that terrible car accident that happened ten years ago or being in the car while your daughter is driving for the first time. Stress is experienced when we feel there is no positive way out of our situation. We feel trapped or hopeless. Stress is also defined asRead MoreThe Effects Of Stress On A Person s Body And Mind1033 Words   |  5 Pagesexperience stress at least once in their life. Many people tell other people they have a lot of stress in their life, but exactly what is stress. Actually, stress is a response of our body to any kind of threat or demand. The body s defenses kick in, when you sense danger, whether it is real or imagined. Stress is a part of life and people should learn how to manage it in order to be happy and joyful in their lives. Stress can cause physical effec ts to a person s body and mind. Mainly Stress is causedRead MorePost Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Ptsd )1352 Words   |  6 PagesPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a condition that people develop after experiencing something traumatic. In Santiago PN et al 2014, there is about 8.7% of people who have PTSD affecting their lives. Traumatic experiences include childhood sexual contact, extreme violence, rape, torture, war, and the loss of loved one. After someone experiences any of these events, fear often triggers PTSD. Fear causes split-second changes within the body as a defense mechanism to avoid any danger to the body. InsteadRead MoreStress : Causes, Effects, And Treatments1429 Words   |  6 PagesStress: Causes, Effects, and Treatments INTRODUCTION Stress is a major component of people’s lives at some point or another. Stress is a state of mental and/or emotional tension as a result of demanding circumstances and events. Stress has an impact on humans physically and psychologically. There are different types of stress including: acute, episodic acute, and chronic. Acute is the most common form of stress and it only has temporary effects, episodic is a more frequent form of acute stressRead MoreStress Induced Cardiomyopathy : Takotsubo Disease884 Words   |  4 PagesStress Induced Cardiomyopathy - Takotsubo Disease Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy has earned many names since being described in 1990. Takotsubo, a Japanese term for an octopus’s trap, describes the systolic apical ballooning of the left ventricle in the most common form of the disease. Broken-heart syndrome alludes to the common strong emotional trigger which seems to initiate the disorder. The patient, typically an elderly or post-menopausal woman, presents with symptoms typical of an acute myocardialRead MoreEssay about Adjustment Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment812 Words   |  4 PagesDiagnosis and Treatment Adjustment disorder is a mental disorder that results from unhealthy responses to stressful or psychologically distressing events in life. This failure to adapt then leads to the development of emotional and behavioral symptoms. All age groups are affected by this disorder; and children have the same chance of developing the illness. While difficult to determine the causes of adjustment disorder, researchers suggest that genetics play a large part, as well as chemical

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

ESL Grammar Lesson Plan How to Use Like

The correct use of like is of fundamental importance to many basic questions. The fact that these questions use like as a verb or a preposition can further complicate the issue. This lesson focuses on helping students identify the principal uses of like in question forms and some of the problem areas concerning these questions. Lesson Plan for Understanding Like Aim: Improving the understanding of the various uses of like Activity: Matching activity followed by oral comprehension activity. Level: Pre-intermediate to intermediate Outline: Ask students the following questions quickly, making sure to alternate questions often: What would you like?, What do you like?, What are you like?, What do you look like?, How are you? Change subjects often, especially with the last question.Write the questions on the board and ask students what the function of like is in each—verb or preposition.Discuss the differences between the various questions.Have students complete the matching activity, matching questions with answers.Correct the activity in class. Review any problem areas.Have students do the oral exercise (or read each answer from the oral comprehension section yourself). Ask students to ask an appropriate question (i.e., What does he look like?)Repeat the first activity. Make sure to alternate questions and subjects quickly.​​ Ask the right question with like. Think of this as a version of the game show, Jeopardy.  Read the following sentences aloud and ask your partner to ask an appropriate question. Youll find the correct questions, in order, below the answers.   Oh, she is very interesting. She is very involved in community activities and loves the outdoors.Hes fine, thank you.Just awful, it hasnt stopped raining for the last three days.Reading science fiction, watching classic films on late night tv.Very pretty, shes got short blond hair, blue eyes and a usually wears jeans and a t-shirt.A beer, if thats no problem.Hes quite the entertainer. He loves having people over for dinner.It can be spicy AND sweet. Its delicious.Its a painting of a countryside with lots of flowers in the foreground.He can be difficult at times. The Correct Questions: Whats she like?How is he?Whats the weather like?What does she like doing?What does she look like?What would you like?Whats he like? OR What does he like doing?Whats it like?What does it look like?Whats he like?

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Copper Cycle Free Essays

If the experiment had been completed with no error, the percent recovery should have been no lower than 90%. In our case, the recovery was 69% which shows that some mistakes were made along the way. Several errors were made during the lab procedure that caused the copper to be lost in the end result. We will write a custom essay sample on Copper Cycle or any similar topic only for you Order Now In reaction one, tap water could have been left in the bottom of the beaker when the Nitric acid was added which could have caused the reaction to be changed which could have caused less copper to be recovered. And as in all experiments, the nitric acid and the copper wire could have not been measured as accurately as possible. In reaction two, the stirring rod could have had unknown substances from a previous experiment on it, because it was not cleaned before it was put into the copper sample. This could have allowed other matter to enter the solution. In reaction three we did not stir well enough before decanting the liquid. We did not allot enough time for the precipitate to settle before decanting, which could have caused a significant amount of copper to be lost. In reaction five, the wire was to be shaken to dislodge the copper solid. When we shook the wire, it broke off from the piece we were using to hold it, which caused a direct loss of copper that could have been dislodged from the wire. Lastly, when we transferred the copper from the beaker to the watch glass to dry, we did not remove all of it, which caused for the percent recovery to be lower than 90%. How to cite Copper Cycle, Essay examples Copper Cycle Free Essays CH 130 B: General Chemistry I The Lab Report As a scientist you are responsible for conveying the results of an experiment to a supervisor, a colleague, or the public. Often, you will convey this information in the form of a scientific paper describing your work. This paper needs to clearly describe why and how an experiment was done, and it must include an interpretation of results, including a discussion of their importance and any significant sources of error. We will write a custom essay sample on Copper Cycle or any similar topic only for you Order Now You lab report will be a brief version of a publication. It should contain the following sections: Introduction This part of the paper should be an explanation of the purpose of the experiments and a review of relevant principles related to the work. This is NOT a procedure. Data and Calculations Attach your graded summary sheet from the experiment. If you did any calculations incorrectly, attach a sheet with correct calculations. In addition to the summary sheet include a table which details observations and known information. What did the solutions look like, what were their concentrations, etc.? Results and Discussion This part of the report should include an in-depth discussion of your data and observations, in essay form. Again, do not rewrite a detailed procedure here, but summarize what you did in the experiment. Describe what you observed. What do your results tell you? Explain whether your results matched your expected results. If they didn’t (and they surely didn’t match exactly) discuss the reasons why this might be the case. What are the possible sources of error? How would each of these sources of error affect the result? Convince yourself and your reader that you are correct in your conclusions. Reiterate your data in relation to your conclusions. You should be able to explain the chemistry that is occurring in the experiment. Please remember the basic principles of writing. Your lab report must be mechanically correct (grammar and punctuation). It is your responsibility to check your grammar and spelling. You will be graded on this. How is a lab report different than an English paper? Lab reports are written in third person, passive, past tense. †¢ The rough draft and final draft can be double-sided, but they must be double-spaced. †¢ Lab reports use simple, declarative sentences that connect observations to conclusions. †¢ The simplest way to say something is often the best. There is no page or word requirement. Say what you have to say so that your reader understands. Common mistakes to avoid: †¢ Try not to start your introduction with â€Å"the purpose of this experiment† or a similar phrase. Compounds/elements are not proper nouns. Do not capitalize them. †¢ Use superscripts and subscripts. †¢ Proofread!! This lab report should be approximately 2 pages long. You will all write the lab report for the same experiment. The experiment is labeled on your schedule as â€Å"Cu Cycle. † A completed rough draft of your lab report is due on (or before) October 22. The rough draft will be counted as half of the total grade for the paper. The final draft of your report will be due on November 26 in class. How to cite Copper Cycle, Essay examples Copper Cycle Free Essays string(53) " of more complicated oxidation/ reduction reactions\." The Copper Cycle Most of the background material for this laboratory will be covered in greater detail in the lecture course later in the semester. Here is some background information so you will understand the chemistry behind the reactions you will perform. Many aspects of our lives involve chemical reactions-?from the batteries that power our cars and cell phones to the thousands of processes occurring within our bodies. We will write a custom essay sample on Copper Cycle or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most of these reactions can be classified into one of three main types of chemical reactions: precipitation reactions, acid-base naturalization reactions, and oxidation- deduction (also called â€Å"redo†) reactions. Aqueous Solutions(as) Many reactions occur in an aqueous environment (I. E. , in a solution where ions and compounds are dissolved in water). When we indicate that a reactant or product has the physical state (as), we mean the substance is dissolved in water. When an ionic compound is in aqueous solution, the individual ions are present in solution; for example, NCAA(as) exists as An+ and CLC- ions moving around in water. Solubility Rules Many ionic compounds are soluble-?I. E. , they dissolve in water. Others generally do not dissolve in water and are considered insoluble. To determine if an ionic compound is soluble-?I. E. , will dissolve-?in water, we use the Solubility Rules: Solubility Rules for Ionic Compounds in Water The compound is SOLUBLE if it has: An+, NH 4+ ton (ALWAYS! ) 2. CHICHI-, NON-, CHIC- 3. CLC-, BRB-, or 1-, except compounds with Gag+, BP+2, and Hag+2 are insoluble 4. SASS- except compounds with Saga’s, cases, scars, Bases, PBS, and Haggis are insoluble The compound is INSOLUBLE if it has: 5. CHIC-, crack-, IPPP-, except compounds with Lie+, An+, K+, NH+ are soluble 6. SO-, except compounds with Lie+, An+, K+, NH+, ca+2, sir+2, AAA+2 are soluble . Hydroxide ion, OH-, except compounds The Solubility Rules indicate which compounds are soluble, and thus are represented as aqueous: e. G. , Kill(as), Abaca(as), Noah(as), etc. The Solubility Rules also indicate which compounds are insoluble-?I. E. , do not dissolve in water and remain as solids: e. G. Basso+), Call(s), cacao(s), etc. Double Replacement/Precipitation Reaction For example, consider the reaction between aqueous lead(al) nitrate with aqueous potassium bromide, as shown below: KGB(as) Puff KNEE Note that the chemical formulas for the products formed are based on their charges, to how they appear on the reactant side of the chemical equation. ICC CHEM. 151 AL: The copper cycle O ICC, 2013 page 1 of 12 Based on Solubility Rules #4 and #1, we find that BRB is insoluble and KNEE is soluble. Thus, the complete, balanced equation is: + 2 KGB(as) Pacific) + 2 KNEE(as) We can cancel the spectator ions from the ionic equation and write the net ionic equation: Pub+(as) + 2 BRB -(as) 0 BRB(s) This reaction produces a cloudy mixture with small particles of the solid suspended in the solution. When enough solid has formed, it will begin to settle at the bottom of the beaker. Thus, a clear solution becoming cloudy when another solution is added is often taken as experimental evidence of a solid or precipitate forming. Acids and Bases Acids can be defined as substances that produce hydroxide ions (HUH+) when they are dissolved in water. A hydroxide ion is the product of a hydrogen ion that reacts with a water molecule: H+(as) + H2O(l) 0 HUH+(as). A hydrated hydrogen ion (H+(as)) is equivalent to an aqueous hydroxide ion. The two equations below both represent the unionization of hydrochloric acid, HCI(as), but the second one shows a particular water molecule explicitly. HCI(as) O H+(as) + CLC-(as) HCI(as) + H2O(l) O HUH+(as) + CLC-(as) Acids are usually easy to recognize since their formulas start with H and contains nonmetal elements other than H-?e. G. HCI(as), HON.(as), and HASPS(as) are all acids. Note that the physical state aqueous, (as), must be included to distinguish a compound that is acting like an acid from other forms of a substance. For example, the formula â€Å"HCI† can also be used for hydrogen chloride gas, HCI(g), so to indicate aqueous hydrochloric acid, one must specify HCI(as). One useful definition of bases is that bases are compounds that produce hydroxide ions (OH-) when dissolved in water. The dissociation of sodium hydroxide, Noah, is shown below. : Noah(s) Noah(as) which is equivalent to An+(as) + OH-(as) Acid-Base Naturalization Reactions In an acid-base naturalization reaction, a hydrogen ion-containing acid reacts with a hydromechanics’s base to produce water and a salt (an ionic compound): HCI(as) + Noah(as) O acid base H2O(l) + Niacin(as) water salt Acids can react with bases, regardless of whether the salt is soluble or insoluble. There are other types of acids and bases that can react without forming water. If the reactants and products of an acid/base reaction are colorless and soluble, it is impossible to monitor the progress of an acid-base reaction based solely on the appearance of the solutions. To help us monitor acid-base reactions, we use litmus paper to determine if a solution is acidic or basic. Litmus paper changes color depending on the presence of H+ or OH- ions in the substance being tested. Blue litmus paper turns red in acidic solutions containing H+ ions, and red litmus paper turns blue in basic solutions containing OH- ions. Age 2 of 12 Oxidation/Reduction Reactions In an oxidation/reduction reaction, electrons are transferred from one reactant to the other. In the simplest form of these reactions, single-displacement reactions (also called single-replacement reactions), metal ions react with pure metals. If the reaction proceeds, the pure metal gives electrons to the metal action. This causes the pure metal to become a action and the action to become a pure metal. The action must always have an anion partner which is present either in an ionic solid or in a solution. For example: MGM(s) + 2 Gag+(as) 0 2 Gag(s) + MGM+(as) metal action If the charge of an element is changing, that is a good indication that an oxidation/ reduction reaction is taking place. Later in the semester you will learn about oxidation numbers which are used to keep track of more complicated oxidation/ reduction reactions. You read "Copper Cycle" in category "Papers" Step l: Chemistry The different copper species obtained in each part is shown in Equation 1 below: cue(S) Part I cue+(as) Part II part Ill cue(S) part Part V blue l. Oxidation Copper Metal with Concentrated Nitric Acid, HON.(as) The first step involves transforming Cue metal to copper(al) ions, Cue+, using concentrated nitric acid, HON.(as). At the same time, the nitrate ions (NON-) undergo a series of reactions to form nitrogen monoxide, NO. This product rapidly reacts with oxygen in the air to form NON, a brown gas. The presence of Cue+(as) makes the solution blue. When the reaction mixture is diluted with water, the Cue+ ions are hydrated (surrounded by water) to form the octahedral complex ion, [Cue(H2O)6]2+, as shown below. Six water molecules (shown as red O and white H atoms) are bonded to a Cue+ ion (shown in gray as the central atom). Cue+(as) + 6 H2O(l) 0 [Cue(H2O)6]2+(as) Figure 1 page 3 of 12 Step II: Chemistry II. Precipitating Cue(OH)2(s) with Noah(as) In Part II, two reactions are carried out by adding Noah(as). In the first reaction, the hydroxide ions (OH-) from the Noah(as) neutralize the excess hydroxide ions (HUH+) feet over from the previous part: HUH+(as) + OH-(as) 2 H2O(l) Once all the HUH+ ions are neutralized, additional OH- ions react with the Cue+ ion to form Cue(OH)2 precipitate. Once all the Cue+ ions have reacted, no more precipitate forms. Adding more OH- ions makes the solution basic, so it can turn red litmus paper blue. Figure 2 on the next page shows the step-wise reaction of Cue+ with Noah. Figure 2: Step-wise Illustration of the Precipitation of Cue(OH)2 in Part II – Remember: [Cue(H2O)]2+ indicates the same substance as Cue+. 1st Beaker: At the end of Part I, hydrated copper complex, Cue+ are present, making he solution blue, and excess hydroxide ions (HUH+) remain from the nitric acid used. 2nd Beaker: Adding Noah(as) to the blue solution results in the OH- ions neutralizing the HUH+ ions to form water: HUH+(as) + OH-(as) 0 2 H2O(l). The An+ ions and resulting water molecules are not shown. 3rd and 4th Beakers: Once all the HUH+ are neutralized, adding more Noah(as) results in the OH- ions reacting with the Cue+ to form the blue Cue(OH)2(s) precipitate shown at the bottom of the beaker. Water molecules released from the complex ion are not shown. 5th Beaker: When all of the Cue+ ions have been converted to Cue(OH)2(s) precipitate, adding more Noah(as) results in unrelated OH- ions in solution, which makes the solution basic. Red litmus paper can be used to confirm the solution is basic. Note that the solution is no longer blue since no Cue+ ions are present in the solution. Step Ill: Chemistry Ill. Converting solid Cue(OH)2 to solid Cue In Part Ill of the sequence, the reaction mixture is heated. This transforms the Cue(OH)2 precipitate to Cue precipitate. Page 4 of 12 The Cue precipitate is separated from the solution, called the supernatant liquid, using a method called gravity filtration. The mixture is filtered using a filter funnel, ND the solid is collected on filter paper. The supernatant liquid runs through the filter paper and collects in a beaker. This resulting filtered solution is called the filtrate. Step IV: Chemistry ‘V. Dissolving Cue(s) with sulfuric acid, HASPS(as) In Part ‘V, the Cue precipitate is dissolved using sulfuric acid, HASPS(as). This redo reaction returns copper to its aqueous phase. Step V: Chemistry V. Reducing Cue+ ions with Zinc Metal In Part V, zinc metal (Zen) is added to the copper solution to convert the copper ions back to copper metal, Cue(s). The resulting solution will contain colorless zinc ions, Zen+(as) and copper solid. Visible evidence of this reaction is observed as bubbles of gas being released from the solution. Since the HUH+ ions do not dissolve the Cue metal, the amount of copper yielded is not affected by excess acid. ) Identify the gas displaced from the acid in this reaction. When the solution becomes colorless, all of the Cue+ ions have been converted to Cue metal. All of the excess Zen metal is also converted to Zen+ ion by the excess HUH+ ions from the sulfuric acid, HASPS(subdued to dissolve the Cue precipitate in Part IV. Once all the Zen metal is dissolved, the Cue metal can be isolated by decanting, or pouring off, the supernatant liquid. The Cue will then be rinsed, dried, and weighed as described in the procedure. Age 5 of 12 In this experiment, you will carry out a series of reactions starting with copper metal. This will give you practice handling chemical reagents and making observations. It is typical for scientists to observe materials before they react, what happens during a reaction and how it looks when the reaction has come to completion. The product of the final reaction will be copper metal and the percent copper that is recovered will be calculated. **Lab Notebook** You should include one table that contains the mass of copper at the beginning and ND of the experiment along with % of copper recovered. This table should include: Mass of copper at the start of experiment (in Part l) Mass of copper + evaporating dish (from Part V) Mass of empty evaporating dish (from Part V) Mass of copper recovered (from Part V) Percent of copper recovered Record observations for each of the steps (I-V) of the copper cycle in your lab book. Be sure to label each step (I-V). The observations for each step should include: the appearance of the reactants before the reaction the appearance of the reactants during the reaction (for example, bubbles, flames, etc. The appearance of the products after the reaction. Your observations should include state(s) of matter, color, texture, smell, etc. Where applicable. If your observations are not detailed, you may not receive full credit. One step also requires a specific chemical test using litmus paper to check for acidity. Be sure to also record the results of these tests in your lab notebook. **You will turn in worksheet pages 11-12 along with the duplicate pages from your lab notebook. Step l: Procedure – Oxidation Cue with concentrated nitric acid, HON.(as) 1 . Place a sample of weighing paper in the balance. Tare the balance, so it reads 0. 0000 g. Use forceps to transfer about 0. 5-0. 40 g of Cue strips onto the weighing paper. Record the mass of the Cue strips. Transfer the Cue strips into a clean 250-ml beaker labeled with one of your group member’s initials. Record the appearance of the copper metal in your lab report. CAUTION: Concentrated nitric acid is highly corrosive, so it can cause severe chemical burns and damage clot hing. Handle with care and avoid breathing the fumes. Any nitric acid spilled on skin must be rinsed immediately with water for 15 minutes. Any acid spilled on your work area must be neutralized then the entire rear should be washed and dried. CAUTION: Concentrated nitric acid reacts with copper metal to form brown toxic NON gas. Leave the reaction beaker in the fume hood until all of the brown gas is vented in the hood. ICC CHEM. 151 AL: The Copper Cycle page 6 of 12 2. In a fume hood, use a 10-ml graduated cylinder to carefully measure about 3 ml of concentrated nitric acid, HON.(as). Slowly pour the nitric acid onto the Cue strips in the beaker, swirling the beaker to maximize contact between the Cue and nitric acid until all of the solid Cue has dissolved and the NON gas has escaped. Keep the action beaker in the hood until all the toxic brown NON gas is gone, and keep your face away from the hood to avoid inhaling nitric acid fumes and NON gas. Describe the reaction between HON. and the Cue metal in your lab report. 3. Dilute the resulting solution with about 10 ml of denizen water. Describe the appearance of the resulting solution containing Cue+ in your data table. Step II: Chemistry – Precipitating Cue(OH)2(s) with Noah(as) left over from the previous part. Once all the HUH+ ions are neutralized, additional OH- ions react with the Cue+ complex ion to form a gelatinous blue Cue(OH)2 precipitate. Once all the Cue+ ions have reacted, no more precipitate forms. Adding more OH- ions makes the solution basic, so it can turn red litmus paper blue. The picture sequence on the next page outlines the step-by-step process that occurs during this step. Step II: Procedure – Precipitating Cue(OH)2 with Noah solution CAUTION: Sodium hydroxide (Noah) can easily damage eyes. It is corrosive and can cause chemical burns and damage clothing. Any Noah splashed into eyes or spilled on skin must be rinsed immediately with water for 15 minutes. Any base spilled on your work area must be neutralized then the entire area should be washed and dried. While constantly stirring the Cue solution, slowly add MM Noah(as) from the dropper bottles. First, the OH- from the Noah added will neutralize the excess acid left over from Part l. 2. Once all the acid is neutralized, additional OH- ions react with the Cue+ to form Cue(OH)2(s), a blue precipitate. Record what you observe in your lab report. When adding more Noah does not produce more precipitate, the solution can be tested to determine if all the Cue+ has been precipitated and additional OH- has made the solution basic. Use red litmus paper to test if the solution is basic as follows. Without stubbing any precipitate, use a glass stir rod to place a drop of solution (NOT the precipitate) on a piece of red litmus paper. If it turns blue, the solution is basic. Stop adding Noah when the solution turns red litmus paper blue. Describe your litmus test in your lab report. Page 7 of 12 Step-wise Illustration of the Precipitation of part II 1st Beaker: Check solution using red litmus paper (refer to background handout). Continue adding base until solution is basic. At the end of Part I Cue+ ions are present, making the solution blue, and excess hydroxide ions (HUH+) remain from the nitric acid used. D Beaker: Adding Noah(as) to the blue solution results in the OH- ions ions are not shown. 3rd and 4th Beakers: 5th Beaker: Once all the HUH+ are neutralized, adding more Noah(as) results in the OH- ions reacting with the Cue+ to form the blue Cue(OH)2(s) precipitate shown at the bottom of the beaker. When all of the Cue+ ions have been converted to Cue(OH)2(s) precipitate, a dding more Noah(as) results in unrelated OH- ions in solution, which makes the solution basic. Red litmus paper can be used to confirm the solution is basic. Note that the solution is no longer blue since no Cue+ ions are present in the solution. In reality, your solution may still appear blue because of the dispersion of the Cue(OH)2 in the solution by mixing. Step Ill: Procedure – Converting Cue(OH)2(s) to Cue(s) 1. Set up a ring stand as shown in the figure at the right. Set up a ring clamp, and put a wire gauze on top of it. Above it, attach another ring clamp with a diameter large enough to go around a 250-ml beaker. You are going to set your 250 ml beaker on the lower ring and gauze. The upper clamp will hold the beaker in place so it does not fall. 2. Add about 30-40 ml of denizen water to your reaction beaker from Part II. Carefully place the beaker on the ring stand inside the upper ring. CAUTION: Gently heat the beaker over a medium flame. (Set the inner cone of the Bunsen burner flame to a height of about 1. 5 inch and the lower ring stand about 4 inches above the top of the Bunsen burner). Constantly stir the solution with the glass end of the stirring rod until all the blue precipitate turns black, and the solution is clear. If the solution starts to bump or boil, immediately remove the beaker from the heat and let the solution cool slightly. Describe what happens to the Cue(OH)2 precipitate upon heating in your lab port. Age 8 of 12 3. Allow the beaker and contents to cool. While they are cooling, set up the gravity filtration apparatus. Obtain a second ring stand, and attach a ring clamp that is small enough to hold the plastic funnel. Prepare the filter paper as shown below: Finally, place the plastic funnel in the small ring clamp, and place a 400-ml beaker beneath it to collect the filtrate ( the liquid that goes through the filter paper). The funnel’s stem should be Just inside the beaker to prevent splashing. 4. Use the markings on a clean 150-ml beaker to measure out about 25 ml of denizen water. Boil the water on a hotplate to wash the precipitate in step 6. 5. When the 250-ml reaction beaker has cooled to room temperature, pour the Cue precipitate into the funnel to filter the contents. Transfer the last traces of the solid from the reaction beaker into the funnel, using a stream of denizen water. 6. Use a disposable pipette to wash the precipitate on the filter paper using the hot denizen water heated in the 150-ml beaker. Allow each portion of hot water to drain through the filter paper into the beaker below before adding the next portion. Use 15 ml of the hot denizen water to thoroughly wash the Cue precipitate. How to cite Copper Cycle, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Online Spatial Delivery System Management

Questions: The Department of Spatial Information (DSI) has considered your assessment of the deployment model, risk management and security issues for the Online Spatial Delivery System (OSDS). They have decided that they need an additional assessment on the technical management and the SLA. You have been assigned the task of providing DSI Executive Management with an assessment of the management requirements and the provisions of the SLA for the chosen cloud vendor. You are to: 1. Discuss the requirements for remote administration, resource management and SLA management. It may be useful to consider Morad and Dalbhanjans operational checklists for DSIs OSDS. This section should be no more than two to three pages in length. 2. Discuss briefly how you will consider application resilience, backup and disaster recovery for your chosen provider in relation to OSDS. This section should be no more than two to three pages in length. 3. Use Erls SLA guidelines to assess the SLA for your chosen provider. This section should be no more than two to three pages in length. 4. Provide a covering one to two page executive summary of these two assessments to DSI Executive Management and summarise the major opportunities and risks that have been identified in your assessments. Answers: Introduction Online Spatial Delivery System (OSDS) needs to be moved to a cloud based platform for all of the services that are covered by it. Platform as a Service (PaaS) is the model that has been recommended for the task and it is a model that provides a platform for the building of and accessing of the applications ("What is PaaS?", 2016). Remote administration, resource management, SLA management, application resilience, backup and disaster recovery are the components that are involved with the OSDS and its migration on the cloud. Each of these entities play a significant role in the successful implementation of cloud computing to OSDS. Remote Administration Remote Administration is the set of processes which allow the administrator tasks possible from a remote location (cbigconsulting.com, 2016). The application of the same to OSDS is not encouraged due to certain drawbacks that are associated with it. Scalability of the tools is the first issue that is seen. Most of the tools do not scale properly and the management of the same becomes a very complicated process for the remote administrator. Organizations make use of various operating systems to allow the access and development of the services and applications. These operating systems are spread across the computers as well as those specific to the mobile devices. For example, Windows, Linux, Blackberry, iOS, Android and Symbian are some of the operating systems that the organizations work upon. The management of all of these and the multi-platform support is a tedious task for the remote administrator. Issues such as encryption, authentication, access control and authorized access are also commonly found in case of the structures that have remote administration implemented (sans.org, 2016). Resource Management The key players in any of the project are its resources, Success or failure of the project largely depends upon these assets and the management of the same is thus an important and a very significant task. Some of the major resources that are associated with OSDS are as listed below. Business Owner Top Level Management Project Owner, Database admin, Network admin, Operations head Development and design team Testing team IT Support Networking team Communications team Some of the basic questions are listed below which need to have their respective answers before the implementation and migration process begins. What is the resource tagging strategy that is deveoped for OSDS? What is the structure and levels involved with the internal management team? How are the resources selected and allocated for different projects? How are the resources handled in case of early delivery or delay in delivery? Is there sufficient metadata and service specific instances for the resources? (s3.amazonaws.com, 2016) There are a number of advantages for resource management as: Centralized repository can be maintained to keep all of the information around the resources at one signle place which would make it easier to manage and access ("Project Resource Management Benefits | Innotas", 2016) Skills of the employees can be assessed in a much better way There are no hidden policies between the employee and the employer regarding resource allocation Time sheet management and change management becomes handy (Singh, 2013) There is an equilibrium that is created between the employees, employer, HR departments and the company goals ("Human Resource Management (HRM) - duties, benefits", 2016). Better understanding of the employees and their skills would result in better and improved resource utilization leading to better efficiency and productivity. SLA Management SLA stands for Service Level Agreement that is an agreement or a contract that is signed betwwen the parties involved that is the service provider and the end user.For OSDS, SLA is signed between the cloud service provider and DSI. OSDS is based on cloud computing which makes use of shared resources. The primary level in this case is Service based SLA (Bose et al., 2011). In case of OSDS, SLA Management would be based upon the following factors: The negotiated and agreed-upon service design betwwen DSI and the cloud provider Supply chain management team The duties that are assigned to the team and the members involved with the project Services that are provided by the internal partners, if applicable All the releavnt details around the service such as the description, cost and features High level process flow chart covering critical success factors and processes Performance indicators (mitsm.de, 2016) In addition to this, a checklist can be prepared which can be used as a tool for all assessment pruposes i.e. measureing the sepcific cloud solution which is to be deployed. For the given scenario, Amazon Web Services can be used as cloud cpluting service for DSI. The checklist is as follows: Credentials of a specific user are provided by AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). After backup and recovery options are understood, Amazon Elastic Block store makes use of an appropriate storage type. Dynamic IP addressing will be used by AWS when Application components will start. For using Operating Systems and to fulfill database requirements, Amazon EBS volumes are used. Back up of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud will be done in particular intervals with the help of EBS snapshots. Amazon Machine Images are used to test the Recovery Process of Amazon EC2 instances in specified intervals. Deployment of Critical components of an application is done over zones with the help of Elastic Load Balancing. Processes for patches, security and updates for OS, AMI services and applications are tested time to time. Access credentials are used by operating system and no sharing is allowed for private keys of AWS instance. According to the topology of hierarchy, the rules of security are applied for a group. Mapping of DNS with Elastic Load Balancing is used by CNAME records. Embedded key pairs and the authorized key files which are part of Confidential and sensitive information are deleted. Before the AWS-hosted application is launched, it is good to test its performance. AWS trusted advisor reports should be incorporated. AWS accounts for production are signed for enterprise support. Application Resilience There are a certain High Availability (HA) requirements and specifications that are associated with OSDS. These requirements can be met by DSI with the help of a lot many steps which include use of multiple availability zones in a specific region, balancing of the load, automatic scaling of tools and applications, timely reviewing and data recovery. It is required to ensure that all the critical areas and single points of failures should be carefully assessed. The strategy would include the following: Design and deployment of an application around fault tolerance in cloud that would assure complete reliability and accessibility of information at all times Incorporation of the best practices and guidelines Proper and accurate data storage options Cloud architecture Data Storage and Backup There is a huge data the OSDS would need to handle on a per day basis. There are tools that are available to correctly manage and store this data. Two of such Big Data tools are as described below: Hadoop It is an open-source tool that has been written in JAVA lnaguage. It is tool that is cost-effective in nature and also has the ability to handle thousands of terabytes of data with extreme ease. It is based on distributed file systems which makes it fast and flexible in nature. Fault tolerance is another feature that comes handy with Hadoop (ITProPortal, 2013). Hyperscale Storage Architecture Direct-Attached Storage (DAS) is used by this architecture for handling the data. If a component suffers a breakdown the workload fails over to another node and the entire unit is replaced rather than just the component within. Hyperscale is used to easily store and manage the Big Data across several different environments (ComputerWeekly, 2016). Disaster Recovery There are plenty of risks related to the services of cloud and proper measures should be taken so that it may not affect and bringing back the services. Following are the measures need to be adapted for avoiding the risks and recovering from the risks: Preventative Preventative measures are the important measures of security that should be there in every organization. For e.g., antivirus should be used, firewalls must be set up, and physical measures like entry points having guard must be used. Reactive These measures are used after the event gets completed. Detective These are the measures which contain measures like intrusion detection and motion detection. Administrative Administrative measures are the measures which have a specific policy or a set of guidelines related to the strategy of business. Disaster Recovery used in Cloud Computing is a technique that performs the backing up of data and recovery which is emphasized on the copies of data stored on the cloud. ("What is cloud disaster recovery (cloud DR)? - Definition from WhatIs.com", 2016). With the help of this technique, recovery process is enabled in several locations (Kiblin, 2011). Various scenarios and techniques have been made so that efficient DR method is made. (aws.amazon.com, 2016). Disaster Recovery for the Cloud is a good option for DSI in the aspect of both finance and control. (Dix, 2016). Conclusions Opportunities and Risks For any of the cloud computing service, the security of its data and information is the most critical area. The major risks that are associated with cloud revolve around these two categories only. OSDS is not different and suffers from potential risks such as unauthorized access of data, loss of important informtion, loss of confidentiality and integrity of the data, denial of services, malicious software attacks and many more ("Risks of cloud computing | Queensland Government", 2016). OSDS is based upon the PaaS model of cloud computing for the migration of the web suite of services and applications on the cloud. Remote adminstration, resource management, SLA management, application resilience, data storage and back up along with the disaster recovery are the components in cloud computing that have a significant role in DSI. Remote administration comes with a certain set of drawbacks and is a key area that needs to be frequently monitored if implemented, Resource and asset management are required to uytilize the skills of each and every resource fully and allocate them to correct roles and responsibilities. SLA management is basically done at a service level for DSI and is otherwise expanded across three different levels. High availability requirements and their execution, data storage and recovery can be well handled by the cloud. References Bose, S., Pasala, A., Ramanujam A, D., Murthy, S. and Malaiyandisamy, G. (2011). SLA Management in Cloud Computing: A Service Provider's Perspective. Cloud Computing, pp.413-436. aws.amazon.com, (2016). Business.qld.gov.au. (2016). Risks of cloud computing | Queensland Government. cbigconsulting.com, (2016). ComputerWeekly. (2016). Big data storage choices. Dix, J. (2016). Cloud computing causing rethinking of disaster recovery. [online] Network World. Innotas. (2016). Project Resource Management Benefits | Innotas. ITProPortal. (2013). Big data: 5 major advantages of Hadoop | ITProPortal.com.